Posts tagged for photographers
Thinking about getting into Birth Photography? | Frequently Asked Questions from other photographers

After 3 years and photographing dozens of births, I’ve decided to become an open book in regards to what I’ve learned. Here are the answers to the most frequently asked questions from photographers interested in photographing the birth sessions.

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I'm Jumping All In... | Unconditional Soul Magazine | Authentic, Raw, Motherhood

Since I was younger, I always wanted to work fro a magazine company, in charge of everything that went through the publication and in the end holding a perfect copy of all of my hard work Every month. Many family members and friends have always mentioned to me to just publish and make my own so I can still work around the schedule of my son. I never really thought I could handle everything that went into creating and publishing a magazine, but the idea has never left the table even when I thought it would be impossible. I have been debating on this for months now and just decided I might as well step out of my comfort zone and start working towards my dream job. After all, I am still young and thriving.

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Take The Time To Slow Down

The summer has been an incredibly busy one for our family; full of road trips, adventures, and making new friends. Though it has been an experience, it was good when we finally got to just relax at home and just work our way into a normal routine again. With doing this, I have been able to actually sit and observe as AJ interacts with the world around him.

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Just Keep Shooting: A Note To Beginning Photographers

I always see posts on social media shaming new photographers, making them feel incompetent and silly for wanting to get into this industry. Sure, it is already over saturated… and sure, it seems like everyone and their mom is now a photographer to make an easy buck.. Which, of course, I understand why it bothers other seasoned photographers out there when this goes on all the time in their area.  I mean, let’s be honest here, it completely sucks being undercut by someone charging not even enough to pay taxes. But does it really mean that we should shun all newbies out there?

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