I'm Jumping All In... | Unconditional Soul Magazine | Authentic, Raw, Motherhood

I'm making the plunge!!

Since I was younger, I always wanted to work fro a magazine company, in charge of everything that went through the publication and in the end holding a perfect copy of all of my hard work Every month. Many family members and friends have always mentioned to me to just publish and make my own so I can still work around the schedule of my son. I never really thought I could handle everything that went into creating and publishing a magazine, but the idea has never left the table even when I thought it would be impossible. I have been debating on this for months now and just decided I might as well step out of my comfort zone and start working towards my dream job. After all, I am still young and thriving.

So, here it is....

I want to introduce the start of my new, self published magazine, Unconditional Soul.

Unconditional Soul Magazine is the perfect publication for those parents who want to feel inspired with the realness parenthood. We believe in celebrating the beauty of the everyday life, chaos included. It's about showcasing those unique details that show the personality of a family and child. Those moments that tell the story of our lives and that we all can look on and say, "I can totally relate to that."

As a parent, we are genetically programmed to unconditionally love our children, with our entire mind, body, and soul. Even in those moments where you just want to rip your hair out and grab a bottle of wine and hide in a corner, we all have been there. As quarterly print magazine, Unconditional Soul is a woman’s best friend through her motherhood journey. From inspiration and support by real moms, pregnancy and newborn struggles, to toddlers and those terrible twos, Unconditional Soul is the go to source for parents that need some uplifting moments.

It's authentic, it's natural, it's raw. 

It's real.

To celebrate this, I am currently accepting submissions for the first volume. The theme is centered around "What does being a parent mean to you?"

Submissions can be anything from photos, to writing about day to day life, DIY projects for your children, fitness ideas, coping with a terrible toddler, you name it. Just make sure you include something with the theme as well.


If you want to stay up to date on when the magazine is accepting submissions, when it is released and just day to day things as it develops, feel free to add its Facebook Group:

Unconditional Soul Magazine | Raw, Authentic, Motherhood.


I am so excited to begin this journey, 2018 is going to bring a lot of amazing things.

I can guarantee this!

Please email all submissions to (DIY ideas, stories, poems, individual photos or a galleries)


Images must be HIGH RESOLUTION and non watermarked. Please include all credits within the email. (Business name, participants first and last names, website, etc.) If you are not submitting your own images, please ask your photographer for permission before applying.